DVD Installation on an Macintosh Computer
The installation and configuration of the Online Bible software will then start. After Online Bible is installed you may Eject the DVD disc.
To close the Online Bible click File> Exit. This will preserve your settings for when you start Online Bible again. To relaunch Online Bible, click on the 0nlineBibleWrapper in the dock and Online Bible will appear in a few seconds.
Regarding Online Bible for Macintosh
We have been able to support and update our native Mac version since taking over from the late Ken Hamel in 2009 but unfortunately the file structure and programming it was built on has gradually received less support as Apple continues to update the Mac-OS. By the release of High Sierra we have had serious problems, in particular with the new Apple File System (APFS) that has been forced on computers having Solid State Hard Drives.
With the release of Mojave , traditional Hard Drives may also be automatically converted to APFS. This along with Apple choosing to no longer maintain OS compatibility with applications that were developed for 32 bit operating systems means that the Online Bible app that we have been able to maintain for 25 years will become less stable and eventually unusable.
Unfortunately we will not be able to do the complete rewrite required to build a new application for Apple’s vision of Macintosh app development.
But God‘s Word is not reliant on the efforts and abilities of one person or group.
Although it is always difficult to change from an old comfortable application (my go-to word processor is 22 years old), there are now many other options available for Mac users. There are many web based Bible Reader apps but not as many Bible Study options. Some Bible Study apps that have been recommended are Accordance, Blue Letter Bible, Logos and Olive Tree. Depending on your needs and budget you could consider one of these.
Many Mac users who are comfortable with a Windows look and feel are using our Windows Online Bible DVD which has much more material than our Mac CD. It runs under a WINE emulator that we have included on the DVD. It also runs well in virtual machines such as Parallels, Virtual Box or Fusion, You can check it out at http://www.onlinebible.us/winonlinebible.html.
If you go this route, we can convert any personal notes you have created using the Online Bible for the Mac to a format recognized by the Online Bible for Windows. Just email a compressed copy of your personal notes folder to Dave Pohl (davidpohl@gmail.com) and we’ll email you a converted copy of the notes in a couple days.