Cross Reference
Quote from swierson on November 13, 2023, 3:19 pmWhen I select to view cross-references to the first verse in the window, the program goes to a different verse in that same window and the other window showing the cross references goes to verese unrelated to the original verse. The verses in the original window can change from the Old to the New Testament. I am trying to load a later version of the software but it will not download the install.exe saying it is a virus.
When I select to view cross-references to the first verse in the window, the program goes to a different verse in that same window and the other window showing the cross references goes to verese unrelated to the original verse. The verses in the original window can change from the Old to the New Testament. I am trying to load a later version of the software but it will not download the install.exe saying it is a virus.
Quote from nickieg on November 13, 2023, 8:17 pmIf by trying to install a later version, you may get a blue error window from Windows. Click on "learn more" or see more" somewhere near the top on the left. The select "Run Anyway." After the installation Windows may prompt you by saying the installation was unsuccessful. Ignore that and select, "the software installed correctly."
If by trying to install a later version, you may get a blue error window from Windows. Click on "learn more" or see more" somewhere near the top on the left. The select "Run Anyway." After the installation Windows may prompt you by saying the installation was unsuccessful. Ignore that and select, "the software installed correctly."