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ClipBoard problem

I am having a Clipboard problem. It will copy sometimes once or a couple of times and then it says: "Clipboard.Open (ClipAppendRDF)-Clipboard System Error: Try restarting program and/or rebooting computer to fix problem. Click NO to suppress all errors.

I have tried installing new updates but have not reinstalled the entire program yet.

I am running OLB version 5.52 with Windows 10.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Thank you...

You can check what is being copied into the clipboard by pressing the Windows key + V.

Bring up task manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del) 

Select "Services"

Search for "clipboard" ... to find the service named cbdhsvc...   in my case it is cbdhsvc_7c9d3.  I don't know if it is the same for every computer, but that is what it is for me.  I have two clipboard services, cbdhsvc is "Stopped" but cbdhsvc_7c9d3 is "Running".  That's the clue.  The running one needs a kick.

Restart this service "cbdhsvc_7c9d3". 

Cause for error is OLB has somehow got itself knotted with the clipboard service and it won't communicate with the clipboard service.   Restarting Online Bible doesn't help.  You either restart your computer, or, if you are comfortable doing it,  do what I've suggested.  It will get you going again without having to restart the computer.