Books C-F

Calvin – John Calvin’s Partial Bible Translation and Comments.

Author: Calvin, John
Date: 2014/10/20
Size: 3.66 MB

Calvin – Latin and French Bibliography of John Calvin.

Author: Calvin, John
Date: 2005/07/27
Size: 70 K

Introductions – Calvin’s book introductions.

Author: Calvin, John
Date: 2002/07/19
Size: 4.33 MB

Trail of Blood – Following the Christians down through the centuries from the days of Christ to the present time.

Author: Carroll, Dr. James M.
Date: 2017/05/16
Size: 475 K

Catechism for Boys and Girls – Catechism For Boys and Girls. Published by Reformation Today Trust.

Author: Reformation Today Trust
Date: 2005/09/26
Size: 83 K

Chadwick – The pastoral teaching of St. Paul by Edward W. Chadwick.

Author: Chadwick, Edward W.
Date: 2021/01/12
Size: 317 K

Chambers – My Utmost for His Highest (Revised) by Oswald Chambers.

Author: Chambers, Oswald
Date: 2022/04/02
Size: 311 K

Charnock – Christ Crucified by Stephen Charnock.

Author: Charnock, Stephen
Date: 2021/06/09
Size: 243 K

Charnock – A Treatise on Divine Providence by Stephen Charnock.

Author: Charnock, Stephen
Date: 2021/04/12
Size: 243 K

Orthodoxy – Chesterton presents an original view of Christian religion.

Author: Chesterton, Gilbert Keith
Date: 2020/06/12
Size: 199 K

Christiaanse – Bible Studies, Lectures and Tracts by D. J. Christiaanse.

Author: Christiaanse, D. J.
Date: 2005/12/13
Size: 149 K

Genesis – Commentary on Genesis.

Author: Coates, Charles Andrew
Date: 2020/06/12
Size: 221 K

Leviticus – Commentary on Leviticus.

Author: Coates, Charles Andrew
Date: 2020/06/12
Size: 253 K

Talmud – Everyman’s Talmud by Abraham Cohen.

Author: Cohen, Abraham
Date: 2005/08/20
Size: 452 K

Doctrine – Definition of Doctrine by C. D. Cole.

Author: Cole, Claude D.
Date: 2018/05/15
Size: 432 K

Election – The Biblical Doctrine of Election by C.D.Cole.

Author: Cole, Claude D.
Date: 2005/01/29
Size: 114 K

Confession – Online Bible Confession Of Faith.

Author: Larry Pierce
Date: 2019/01/15
Size: 158 K

Cowles, Henry – Holiness in Christians.

Author: Cowles, Henry
Date: 2021/04/08
Size: 184 K

Cowles, Henry – In Its Progressive Revelations Of God To Men.

Author: Cowles, Henry
Date: 2021/03/29
Size: 428 K

Cowman, Mrs Charles E. – Streams in the Desert.

Author: Cowman, Mrs Charles E.
Date: 2022/06/25
Size: 452 K

Davidson, Samuel – The Canon of the Bible.

Author: Davidson, Samuel
Date: 2021/02/25
Size: 221 K

Davidson, Samuel – Sacred Hermeneutics.

Author: Davidson, Samuel
Date: 2021/02/21
Size: 577 K

Davidson, Samuel – Studying the Prophets: Elijah & Elisha.

Author: Davidson, Samuel
Date: 2021/03/03
Size: 191 K

Davidson, Samuel – The Theology of the Old Testament.

Author: Davidson, Samuel
Date: 2021/03/01
Size: 462 K

Smith – Green Pastures meditations by J. Denham Smith.

Author: J. Denham Smith
Date: 2006/12/04
Size: 160 K

Doddridge – Rise and Progress of the Soul.

Author: Doddridge, Philip
Date: 2022/05/02
Size: 349 K

Dollinger – The First Age of Christianity and the Church by Johann Dollinger.

Author: Dollinger, Johann
Date: 2021/01/13
Size: 454 K

Synopsis – Synopsis of the Books of the Bible by J. N. Darby.

Author: Edersheim, Alfred
Date: 2003/11/08
Size: 272 K

The Temple – A View of Jerusalem, and of the Temple during the time of Christ.

Author: Edersheim, Alfred
Date: 2000/10/15
Size: 272 K

Enoch – The Book of Enoch From The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament.

Author: Unknown
Date: 2002/07/18
Size: 128 K

Flavel, John – The Mystery of Providence.

Author: Flavel, John
Date: 2021/03/13
Size: 261 K