About Us

Larry Pierce
Larry & Marion Pierce

Larry Pierce

Larry Pierce is retired and publishes biblically related material as one of his hobbies. He enjoys the study of ancient history. He and his wife, Marion, live in Winterbourne, Ontario.

Larry Pierce is a prolific writer, Latin scholar, and the developer of the Online Bible.  He is best known for translating James Ussher’s “The Annals of the World” into modern English.

Ken Martin
Ken Martin

Ken Martin

Ken Martin is our website designer and looks after the tech support.  He has been working with Larry since the start of the program development in 1987, creating the help files and setting up a website.

Dave & Ellie Pohl
Dave & Ellie Pohl

Dave & Ellie Pohl

Dave & Ellie have worked with Larry for over 20 years, manufacturing Online Bible in it’s various forms and distributing it through the store at www.onlinebible.biz

They have 3 children, 9 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren scattered across Canada. They also volunteer at Galcom International building solar powered missionary radios and at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre.